~/RPI Logic Group

Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI studying Automated Reasoning in AI and Linux Enthusiast.

We hold the NY Capital Region Logic Reading Group Wednesdays at the Rensselaer AI & Reasoning lab. I aim to give one presentation a month. We have a website listing the upcoming talk and past talks given: https://rairlab.github.io/logic-group/

Talks Given

I presented the following:

Date Title
12/04/2024 An Introduction to Situation Calculus (along with James Oswald)
10/16/2024 Alternative Theories of Uncertainty: Dempster-Shafer and Possibility Theory
03/27/2024 CryptoSolve: A Tool for the Analysis of Cryptographic Modes of Operation
01/31/2024 Planning under Qualitative Uncertainty - Initial Thoughts
01/24/2024 Spectra: STRIPS-Inspired AI Planner based on Automated Reasoning
10/25/2023 Introduction to Goal Recognition as Planning
10/18/2023 RAIR Lab Software Overview Workshop (along with James Oswald)
10/4/2023 Syntactic AC Unification
09/06/2023 Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning under Partial Observability with a Discovery Planning Model
03/22/2023 “Automated Theorem Proving with TPTP Workshop”
02/08/2023 “Interactive Theorem Proving with Lean Part 2”
02/01/2023 “Interactive Theorem Proving with Lean Part 1”
10/19/2022 Evaluation of the Moral Permissibility of Action Plans by Felix Lindner, Robert Mattmuller, and Bernhard Nebel
09/14/2022 Planning Modulo Theories: Extending the Planning Paradigm by Peter Gregory, Derek Long, Maria Fox, and J. Christopher Beck.
08/03/2022 Coming Up with Good Excuses: What To Do When No Plan Can be Found by Moritz Gobelbecker, Thomas Keller, Patrick Eyerich, Michael Brenner, and Bernhard Nebel.
06/28/2022 Landmark-based heuristic online contingent planning by Shlomi Maliah, Guy Shani, and Ronen L. Brafman.
06/01/2022 AI Planning Annotation for Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning by Junkyu Lee, Michael katz, Don Joven Agravante, Miao Liu, Geraud Nangue Tasse, Tim Linger, Shirin Sohrabi.
05/11/2022 The Power of Waiting in Social Laws by Alexander Tuisov, Alexander Shleyfman, and Erez Karpas.