
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI, Writer of Tidbits, and Linux Enthusiast

Curl-able Business Cards

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2 minute reading time

Browsing around on the Interwebs, I found that Rahul has a curl card.

curl https://codingotaku.com/cc
║                                     )                     ║
║   (        (                     ( /(     )        )      ║
║   )\       )\ ) (        (  (    )\()) ( /(   ) ( /(   (  ║
║ (((_)  (  (()/( )\  (    )\))(  ((_)\  )\()( /( )\()) ))\ ║
║ )\___  )\  ((_)((_) )\ )((_))\    ((_)(_))/)(_)((_)\ /((_)║
║((/ __|((_) _| | (_)_(_/( (()(_)  / _ \| |_((_)_| |(_(_))( ║
║ | (__/ _ / _` | | | ' \)/ _` |  | (_) |  _/ _` | / /| || |║
║  \___\___\__,_| |_|_||_|\__, |   \___/ \__\__,_|_\_\ \_,_|║
║                         |___/                             ║
║                                                           ║
║         -~= free-software = web = anime =~-               ║
║                                                           ║
║                                                           ║
║        ■ Web developer who adore Minimalism ■             ║
║                                                           ║
║     Email:  contact<at>codingotaku<dot>com                ║
║                                                           ║
║       Web:  https://codingotaku.com/                      ║
║                                                           ║
║  Peertube:  https://videos.codingotaku.com/c/codingotaku  ║
║  Mastodon:  https://fosstodon.org/@codingotaku            ║
║  Codeberg:  https://codeberg.org/codingotaku              ║
║                                                           ║
║      Card:  curl -sL https://codingotaku.com/cc           ║
║                                                           ║

The black and white rendition here really does not give it justice. Run the command yourself so you can see the wicked colors they use.

Now if you ask me, this is really awesome and I need to have this for myself. Searching around, I found an old GitHub repo by Bryan Jenks containing the bash script they use to generate their curl card.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tallguyjenks/BusinessCard/refs/heads/master/business_card
│                                                       │
│           Bryan Jenks / TallGuyJenks                  │
│                                                       │
│     Email:  bryanjenks@protonmail.com                 │
│       Web:  https://www.bryanjenks.dev                │
│                                                       │
│   Twitter:  https://twitter.com/tallguyjenks          │
│    GitHub:  https://github.com/tallguyjenks           │
│  LinkedIn:  https://linkedin.com/in/bryanjenks        │
│   YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/c/BryanJenksTech  │
│     OrcID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9604-3069     │
│   Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/bryanjenks        │
│                                                       │
│      Card:  curl -sL bit.ly/2AtVaXR                   │
│                                                       │

Their bash script makes uses of tput from the ncurses library to set the terminal colors. Adapting their script to include my information, and I now have a curl card of my own!

curl https://brandonrozek.com/cc
│                                                  │
│                  Brandon Rozek                   │
│                                                  │
│     Email:  brozek@brandonrozek.com              │
│       Web:  https://brandonrozek.com             │
│                                                  │
│  Mastodon:  https://fosstodon.org/@brozek        │
│    GitHub:  https://github.com/Brandon-Rozek     │
│                                                  │
│      Card:  curl -sL brandonrozek.com/cc         │
│                                                  │
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