
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI, Writer of Tidbits, and Linux Enthusiast

Drawing Trees in LaTex with Tikz

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2 minute reading time

For the longest time I’ve been avoiding Tikz because I imagined it being too difficult to learn. Usually I create a graphic using a program like Draw.IO and import it as an image. Though this time around, I decided that I’m going to learn how to make trees in Tikz. It turns out, it’s not as bad as I anticipated.

I’m only going to provide a few simple examples in this post. To learn more check out the Tikz documentation on trees.

Remember to have \usepackage{tikz} in the preamble.

To create a Tikz figure, you’ll need to create a tikzpicture environment

 % Tikz Code Here

Every tree first begins with a root node.

	\node {Root Node};

The semicolon at the end denotes the end of a tikz command.

Now let’s make the root node have one child node.

	\node {Root Node}
		child {node {Child Node}};

Screenshot of tree with one node on each level

Notice that the text of the nodes are within the {} after the node command.

To create another child for a node, place it in the same level as the existing child.

	\node {Root Node}
		child {node {Left Child}}
		child {node {Right Child}};

Screenshot of tree with the root node having two child nodes

The rendered tree may have text overlap as shown in the last screenshot. This is where tikz options come in. We can define the separation distance between siblings. I don’t have many tips for choosing the value other than to play around and see how it looks.

    level 1/.style={sibling distance=25mm}
	\node {Root Node}
		child {node {Left Child}}
		child {node {Right Child}};

Improved screenshot of previous tree but with well separated child nodes

To show how the child nesting works, I’ll finish by giving the right child two children nodes.

    level 1/.style={sibling distance=25mm},
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=15mm},
	\node {Root Node}
		child {node {Left Child}}
		child {
		    node {Right Child}
		    child {node {Child A}}
		    child {node {Child B}}

Screenshot of a tree similar to the previous tree, but with the right child having two child nodes one with the label A and the other with the label B.

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