
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI, Writer of Tidbits, and Linux Enthusiast

Quick LaTex: Footnotes with no Counter

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Let’s say there’s a scenario where you want to have a footnote, but you don’t want a counter associated with it. In order to stay consistent with the document style, the solution should use \footnote within its implementation.

The solution: Define \blfootnote{text} in the preamble.


This makes use of the footnote command while also re-adjusting the footnote counts so that our variant doesn’t increase it. We can then use this command within the document. Here’s a beamer example:

\begin{frame}{Some Topic}
	This is where I explain some topic.
	\blfootnote{Numberless Footnote}

Complete Minimal Example:




\begin{frame}{Some Topic}
	This is where I explain some topic.
	\blfootnote{Numberless Footnote}

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