
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI studying Automated Reasoning in AI and Linux Enthusiast.

Wildcard Domains in PiHole

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As of this time of writing, the current version of PiHole (5.0) supports adding custom DNS records, but not wildcard records. This makes it annoying if you run a bunch of different services within your LAN following a certain pattern.

Though since PiHole runs on top of dnsmasq it is easy to add an additional configuration file to point a domain containing example.com to a specific IP.

If you look in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ there are the files 01-pihole.conf and 02-pihole-dhcp.conf. For our wildcard record, we’re going to add a new file 03-custom-dns.conf. Let’s have an example where we want to map example.com and *.example.com to


Once you save, restart the container or box and you will then have the wildcard record!

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