
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI, Writer of Tidbits, and Linux Enthusiast

Personal Web Archive and How I Archive Single Web pages

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2 minute reading time

The Internet Archive is great for providing a centralized database of snapshots of websites throughout time. What happens though when you want to have your own offline copy during times of little to no internet access? Archivebox is one solution to such problem. It behaves similarly to the Internet archive and also allows importing of RSS feeds to save local copies of blog posts. To install it, you can use pipx.

pipx install archivebox

For the rest of this post, however, I want to talk about a simpler tool. A combination of wget and python -m http.server. In the past, I’ve used wget to mirror entire websites. We can adjust the command slightly so that it doesn’t follow links and instead only looks at a single webpage.

wget --convert-links \
     --adjust-extension \
     --no-clobber \
     --page-requisites \

Now assume we have a folder full of downloaded websites. To view them, we can use any HTTP server. One of the easiest to temporarily setup currently is Python’s built in one.

To serve all the files in the current directory

python -m http.server OPTIONAL_PORT_NUM

If you leave the port number field empty, then this returns

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

A few nice side-effects of using wget and python.

  • Python’s default webserver shows a list of files in the directory. This can make it easier to browse around the web archive.
  • The wget flags make it so that if you want to archive https://brandonrozek.com/blog/personal-simple-web-archive/ then all you need to access is http://localhost:8000/brandonrozek.com/blog/personal-simple-web-archive. In other words, it preserves URLs.

Now this approach isn’t perfect, if a webpage makes heavy use of javascript or server side features then it’ll be incomplete. Though for the majority of the wiki pages or blog posts I want to save for future reference, this approach works well.

My full script is below:


set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail


show_usage() {
    echo "Usage: archivesite [URL]"
    exit 1

# Check argument count
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then


wget --convert-links \
     --adjust-extension \
     --page-requisites \
     --no-verbose \

# Keep track of requested URLs
echo "$1" >> saved_urls.txt
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