
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI, Writer of Tidbits, and Linux Enthusiast

Introduction to Possibility Theory

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4 minute reading time

Possibility theory is a subset of Dempster-Shafer theory (DST). If you’re not already familiar with DST, I recommend you check out my previous blog post since we’ll reuse a lot of the same concepts.

In Dempster-Shafer theory we start off with a mass function $m$ which is defined over all subsets of our event space $\Omega$. When approximating $m$, we need to make $2^\Omega$ estimates. This can be quite costly depending on the size of $\Omega$.

Possibility theory makes the estimation of $m$ tractable at the cost of expressivity. As a subset of DST, the mass function is positive only on a sequence of nested subsets. Recall that a set represents a disjunctive observation. That is, $\{w, g\}$ represents $w \vee g$.

Take for example, the following observations $$ obs = c, w \vee c, w \vee c \vee g $$ We can use possibility theory to reason about these since $c \subseteq \{w, c\} \subseteq \{w, c, g\}$ We cannot, however, use possibility theory to reason about $$ obs = c, w \vee c, g \vee c $$ since $\{w, c\} \not\subseteq \{g, c\}$.

Informally, possibility theory describes uncertainty through ordering the plausibility of elementary events and constraints uncertainty such that the elementary events that are not the most plausible are never necessary.

Properties of Possibility Theory

Let’s walk through an example so that we can illustrate different properties of possibility theory. $$ obs = w \vee c \vee g, c, c, w \vee c $$ From this, we can derive the following mass function $$ m(\{c\}) = \frac{1}{2}, m(\{w, c\}) = \frac{1}{4}, m(\{w, c, g\}) = \frac{1}{4} $$ The plausibility values are as follows: $$ Pl(\{g\}) = \frac{1}{4}, Pl(\{w\}) = \frac{1}{2}, Pl(\{c\}) = 1 \\ Pl(\{w, g\}) = \frac{1}{2}, Pl(\{w, c\}) = 1, Pl(\{g, c\}) = 1 \\ Pl(\{w, c, g\}) = 1 $$ This leads us to the first property regarding plausibility: $$ Pl(A \cup B) = max(Pl(A), Pl(B)) \tag{0.1} $$ In order to build an intuition of this formula, let’s look at the mass function pictorally.

Other than the concentric rings shown, all other subsets of $\Omega$ have a mass value of zero. When computing the plausibility value graphically, we start at the outer edge of the ring and keep summing inwards until we hit a ring that does not intersect with our set. Therefore, when it comes to the union of two sets, we keep summing until neither $A$ or $B$ intersect with the ring.

Now let’s analyze necessity: $$ N(\{w\}) = 0, N(\{g\}) = 0, N(\{c\}) = \frac{1}{2} \\ N(\{w, g\}) = 0, N(\{w, c\}) = \frac{3}{4}, N(\{c, g\}) = \frac{1}{2} \\ N(\{w, g, c\}) = 1 $$ The necessity of two sets intersected is smallest necessity of the individual sets. $$ N(A \cap B) = min(N(A), N(B)) \tag{0.2} $$ Pictorially when calculating the necessity of a set, we start from the inner circle and sum until the ring is no longer a subset of the set.

Necessity is also related to plausibility $$ N(A) = 1 - Pl(\bar{A}) \tag{0.3} $$ where $\bar{A}$ is the compliment of $A$ with respect to $\Omega$.

Recall from my last blog post that $N(\{a\}) = m(\{a\})$ for all $a \in \Omega$. Therefore, given the plausibility of elementary events, we can use equations 0.1 and 0.3 to uniquely determine the mass function.

Deriving mass function from plausibility values

Consider the following plausibility values $$ Pl(\{c\}) = 1, Pl(\{w\}) = b_1, Pl(\{g\}) = b_2 $$ From this, we can derive the other plausibility values from Equation 0.1: $$ Pl(\{c, w\}) = 1, Pl(\{c, g\}) = 1, Pl(\{w, g\}) = max(b_1, b_2) \\ Pl(\{c, w, g\}) = 1 $$ Using Equation 0.3, we can derive the necessity values $$ N(\{c\}) = 1 - max(b_1, b_2), N(\{w\}) = 0, N(\{g\}) = 0 \\ N(\{c, g\}) = 1 - b_1, N(\{c, w\}) = 1 - b_2, N(\{w, g\}) = 0 \\ N(\{c, w, g\}) = 1 $$ In order to calculate the mass values, I often work backwards starting from smaller sets from the necessity definition. $$ N(A) = \sum_{B \subseteq A}{m(B)} $$ Therefore in our example, $$ m(\{w\}) = 0, m(\{g\}) = 0 \\ m(\{c\}) = 1 - max(b_1, b_2) \\ m(\{c, w\}) = max(b_1, b_2) - b_2 \\ m(\{c, g\}) = max(b_1, b_2) - b_1 \\ m(\{g, w\}) = 0 \\ m(\{g, w, c\}) = b_1 + b_2 - max(b_1, b_2) $$ You can verify that indeed the sum of all the mass values are equal to 1.


Possibility theory is a subset of Dempster-Shafer theory that makes estimation tractable. Instead of needing to come up with $2^{|\Omega|}$ estimates to approximate the mass function, we only need to come up with $|\Omega|$ plausiblity values in order to derive the rest of the mass function.

This makes it a useful representation of uncertainty computationally, when we want to model imprecise sensor data or make use of qualitative or subjective measurements.

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