
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI, Writer of Tidbits, and Linux Enthusiast

Re: Static+, can it work?

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2 minute reading time

Gabriel recently released a blog post thinking about the space between a static website and a full-blown CMS.

It’s something that I think about semi-often. It’s difficult to characterize what static+ means, because I believe we each have our reasons for using a static site generator. This includes but is not limited to speed, security, and my personal reason of data portability.

I like how my Hugo website is written in Markdown files. This means that if Hugo stopped development now, I can move to a different static site generator in the future.

With this in mind, what does static+ mean for me? For data portability, this means that if I want an API to create a blog post ideally it’ll:

  1. Write the contents of the blog post in the API request to a Markdown file
  2. Commit it to my git repository
  3. Re-run hugo to build the site

I enjoy my writing workflow on my computer, so the idea is crafting some easy way to compose posts on my phone.

Hugo maintains a list of frontends which I haven’t vetted but may actually satisfy those requirements. Perhaps it’s time and energy that’s preventing me from Jamstack’n my website.

Or it could be simplicity that makes me want a simpler solution like a custom API that Gabriel describes.

Or I want a reason to tinker with a custom API :)

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