
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI, Writer of Tidbits, and Linux Enthusiast

Hi there! I’m happy that you’re thinking about reaching out! If you’re at a loss of words to say, feel free to engage me on my research or my interests.

The best way to get a hold of me is through email. I advocate the use of plaintext. My email address is brozek@brandonrozek.com.

I support PGP encryption! My current fingerprint is:

1623 A4C6 0EF7 B422 D2C8 9D5D 0610 BBE9 9025 8018

You can query my keys through WKD (Direct Link) and the OpenPGP Keyserver (Direct Link).

gpg --auto-key-locate wkd --locate-keys brozek@brandonrozek.com

For convinience, here’s a form that you can use to send an encrypted email. This happens completely locally on your machine with OpenPGP.js!

Warning: Some browsers have character limits in mailto links which can affect the “Generate Email” button.

Encrypted Result:

Received a PGP-signed message from me? You can use the form below to verify locally that it was signed using my key. This method trusts that a malicious actor hasn’t overriden my key on keys.opengpg.org.

Verification Result:

Alternate Methods

You’re also welcome to message me on Mastodon. My handle is @brozek@fosstodon.org.

Check out my Keyoxide profiles: WKD Profile HKP Profile