This algorithm tries to construct a solution to a problem one piece at a time. Whenever the algorithm needs to decide between multiple alternatives to the part of the solution it recursively evaluates every option and chooses the best one.
How to Win
To beat any non-random perfect information game you can define a Backtracking algorithm that only needs to know the following.
- A game state is good if either the current player has already won or if the current player can move to a bad state for the opposing player.
- A game state is bad if either the current player has already lost or if every available move leads to a good state for the opposing player.
PlayAnyGame(X, player)
if player has already won in state X
return GOOD
if player has lost in state X
return BAD
for all legal moves X -> Y
if PlayAnyGame(y, other player) = Bad
return GOOD
return BAD
In practice, most problems have an enormous number of states not making it possible to traverse the entire game tree.
Subset Sum
For a given set, can you find a subset that sums to a certain value?
SubsetSum(X, T):
if T = 0
return True
else if T < 0 or X is empty
return False
x = any element of X
with = SubsetSum(X \ {x}, T - x)
without = SubsetSum(X \ {x}, T)
return (with or without)
X \ {x} denotes set subtraction. It means X without x.
ConstructSubset(X, i, T):
if T = 0
return empty set
if T < 0 or n = 0
return None
Y = ConstructSubset(X, i - 1, T)
if Y does not equal None
return Y
Y = ConstructSubset(X, i - 1, T - X[i])
if Y does not equal None
return Y with X[i]
return None
Big Idea
Backtracking algorithms are used to make a sequence of decisions.
When we design a new recursive backtracking algorithm, we must figure out in advance what information we will need about past decisions in the middle of the algorithm.