Polymorphic Functions w/ Wildcard Matching in Lean 4
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2 minute reading time
I was reading through the Polymorphism section in the Functional programming in Lean textbook and came across the following example:
inductive Sign where
| pos
| neg
def posOrNegThree (s : Sign) : match s with | Sign.pos => Nat | Sign.neg => Int :=
match s with
| Sign.pos => (3 : Nat)
| Sign.neg => (-3 : Int)
The function posOrNegThree
depending on the input, can either return an expression of type Nat
or an expression of type Int
. That’s super neat!
What happens if we add a wildcard to the match?
For example, let’s say we want a type based on the number of bits of precision specified. If we don’t support the number of bits, we return the arbitrary precision Nat
as our default.
def UIntN (n: Nat) : Type := match n with
| 32 => UInt32
| 64 => UInt64
| _ => Nat
Now let’s write a function that returns the zero element of our specified type:
def u0 (x: Nat) : UIntN x := match x with
| 32 => (0: UInt32)
| 64 => (0: UInt64)
| _ => Nat.zero
This will result in the following error:
type mismatch
has type
ℕ : Type
but is expected to have type
UIntN x✝ : Type
I got stuck on this for a while, so I asked on the really helpful Lean Zulip and got a great response
def u0 (x: Nat) : UIntN x := dite (x=32) (λ h ↦ by
subst h
exact (0 : UInt32)
) (dite (x = 64) (λ h ↦ by
intro h2
subst h
exact (0: UInt64)
(λ h ↦ by
intro h2
have : UIntN x = Nat := by
unfold UIntN
simp only
rw [this]
exact 0
Unfortunately this doesn’t look pretty, but this was a massive clue in finding the prettier syntax to solve this problem!
def u0 (x: Nat) : UIntN x :=
if h: x = 6 then by
subst h
exact (0: UInt32)
else if h2: x = 4 then by
subst h2
exact (0: UInt64)
else by
have : UIntN x = Nat := by
unfold UIntN
simp only
rw [this]
exact 0