
Brandon Rozek

Photo of Brandon Rozek

PhD Student @ RPI studying Automated Reasoning in AI and Linux Enthusiast.

This is an experimental page showing my toots from Mastodon. Currently, this does not support boosts and it refreshes daily through a GitHub action. Feel free to check out my profile at Fosstodon

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@elforesto Do you clear out the dead feeds from your reader?

I end up leaving them in for the off chance that people come back.

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Syncing notes through bookmarks with Notepad Tab is such a neat idea!

Thanks @revolteh for creating this!


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I feel like we need more mini-games on the pubnixes so I developed WordGuess a wordle-based game.


It's currently up on tilde.club where once a day players can guess the word and compare scores with other players.

Screenshot of the text-based WordGuess game.

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I'm having fun distracting myself with the robots.txt of major websites thanks to Oggy.


Like why does the verge not want to index the iPhone 15 event? 🤔

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Discovered that my favorite search engine Kagi 🔎 has a page where you can explore smaller personal websites 🌐


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Discovered that I can listen to the community edit Wikipedia in real-time over at Hatnote 🎵


Smoothing and great to listen to in the background.

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First day hike complete!

Peebles Island 🏝️, New York

Hiking along a trail with others

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@jefklak it makes you wonder where all the human-power went.

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Great quote from Manu

"Don’t be afraid of sending an email to someone you don’t know. If someone’s out there on the web, it probably means they want to be found."


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Kristof Kovacs wrote a script that emulates lineinfile from Ansible.

Now I don't need to open up a whole text editor to edit one line in a configuration file.


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@nathan @legoktm Wow! I haven't heard of WikiVoyage before this. It's fun to see Fredericksburg, VA, the small city I used to live in, there. Thanks for sharing!

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@shom After 30 minutes, I'm stuck on level 7. You did well getting passed it, I'm having a hard time to get it to respond to even totally normal prompts XD

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@steffo@uno.starshard.studio I agree that there are a lot of different extensions to the standard.

At the very least it should display the plaintext. Hopefully that's readable enough.

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For the curious, it seems that the acronym was first discussed in a scientific paper about data reuse.


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"Apart from its simplicity, the markdown format is FAIR: findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable"

- Arthur Turrel

All parts of Markdown that I love, and now I know of a great acronym to use to describe it!

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@hebster Good question! I don't have a great way of knowing for sure since an encrypted email using that form looks the same as a standard one. Though honestly I only get a small handful of encrypted emails every year.

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@hdm @buherator

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I tried looking around but I haven't had success finding a good replacement. It looks like they replaced the URLs with a modal popup which is dynamically created via Javascript.

I'll let you know if I end up finding a solution myself.


Popup asking people to either log in to the server to favourite a post or copy the URL into a different server.

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@zerok I didn't notice that Mastodon supports timeline sync via the marker's API. Thanks for sharing!

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How do you organize your Lean proofs? I wrote a blog post discussing some strategies I employ to make Lean 3 proofs more readable.


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OpenPGP.js is library that enables client side usage of PGP. With it, I created a form on my contact page that allows others to send me encrypted messages.

OpenPGP.js: openpgpjs.org/

Contact Page: brandonrozek.com/contact/

Form Implementation: github.com/Brandon-Rozek/websi

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Need to stitch photos together into a video? Love FFMPEG? Hammad wrote a great post on his blog to do just that. In fact, he even includes a snippet for overlaying audio which is great for slideshows.

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@proactiveservices Oh shoot! I meant to call the emergency astronomer hotline :blobcatfacepalm:

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Meet Café my new roommate for the summer. He's a curious cat checking out what I was eating at the dinner table.

Brandon eating a bowl of chili with chips while Café the cat stands on a chair leaning over to see what Brandon is eating Café the cat staring into the camera as he's walking by.

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@dyamon @hebster

I have not tried uploading any hikes to OpenStreetMap before. That's a slightly different use case than what I had in mind in that it contributes walking paths to mapping software everyone can use.

My original goal wasn't as noble as that. I mostly wanted a way to display personal hikes on my website :)

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Desiring an open technology approach to Strava embeds, I discovered gpx.studio for embedding GPX/GPS data.

Write-up showing how I implemented it on my website:

Great for showcasing hikes, bike rides, and more! 🚲

Map showing a large pond and a path denoting where Brandon hiked that day. It comes with some statistics about distance, average speed, and duration as well as an elevation profile of the entire hike.

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Last weekend my partner and I visited North Adams, Massachusetts where we checked out the Natural Bridge State Park and the MOCA.

I neglected to check the park website ahead of time to see that the main trail was closed. We had plenty of fun in a nearby creek regardless :)

Brandon sitting criss-crossed on a rock by a small creek. Clare sitting on a rock by a creek

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@vleugelcomplement An internal wiki for a research group is a great idea! I'm going to advocate for one now :)

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I give a more informal account of how I archive my toots onto my blog.


My Python script which creates the Hugo files:


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@mcrute @gruerproof Welcome! I find the community very friendly :)

Your feed might be quiet initially but as you follow more people, things will get more exciting.

To find your folks: check out the local feed, search up tags you're interested in, follow @FediFollows, and find people by topic via trunks (communitywiki.org/trunk)

Most of all, have fun and happy tooting!

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@ilyess Yes I do have an RSS Feed! Multiple in fact. I recommend brandonrozek.com/blog/index.xm to get only my blog posts. For other feeds, feel free to check out brandonrozek.com/subscribe

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I wrote up a post on how I display a single toot using on my website.


This doesn't cover how I archive all my toots yet, that deserves a separate post :)

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@ashshuota @technicalissues Sure I can write a post about my blog-toot setup! Give me a day or so to write it all out and I'll ping you when it's out :)

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@benjaminhollon Out of curiosity, which color did you end up choosing for your poster?

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@benjaminhollon Congratulations! I'm glad to hear it all came together nicely :)

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I have been working on displaying toots from Mastodon on my website using . I don't support all of Mastodon's features like CWs or Boosts but I think this is a great start!

An archival page of all my toots:

A toot where I thanked someone sharing a Lunar Eclipse photo.

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@ash I personally don't save blogs as PWAs on my mobile device, instead preferring to follow them via RSS. As much as I find all these features cool, it is at the end of the day another feature to support/maintain.

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@monarobot It's cloudy where I am at tonight. Thanks for sharing the Lunar Eclipse photo :)

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@gawn That's precious content right there, a post on every layout ;)

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@cespinoza I agree! Gotta run? Send tab to phone. Maybe it's a longer piece and I want to pull out the E-Ink tablet? Send it there instead. Many practical uses for the Firefox send tab feature :D

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@cedric Thanks for sharing the now page concept! I love the idea of succinctly describing the bigger picture happenings in my life.

Thus, now I have it on my site as well :)

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Visited a local farm today and saw this friendly Nigerian Dwarf

Unlike the other goats, this one still came by to say hi even though we didn't have any food.

A Nigerian dwarf goat looking down while getting petted by it's left ear. A Nigerian dwarf goat looking towards the camera while getting pet by it's left ear.

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@foosel I also use my phone except I'm sure it takes me way longer than if I was to manually flip the switch.

Maybe I need to make a shortcut on my home screen... Nah, I'll probably continue in my non-optimal ways :D

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@popey I would go for the Primordial Dawn. The other option of an ice cream smelling car would confuse me more than anything. :blobcatcool:

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This is so cool! I've been using nohup for a while when it comes to launching graphical apps through the terminal but using systemd-run is so much cleaner!


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@chatpin @underlap Great post, thanks for sharing! I never thought of using a global .gitignore before. That combined with a scratch folder is a great idea. :ac_lightbulb:

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@ejk Coffee cake is totally breakfast food :ablobcatcoffee:

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I've recently switched to Feedbin (feedbin.com/). They have a free trial but afterwards it costs $5/month. Honestly that likely means they're not selling my data to advertisers. It's also open source.

Realistically though, the most important feature to me is the ability to export subscriptions via OPML. As long the service provides that (which Feedly does), then you won't risk losing anything.

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Stumbled upon a cat on no less! :blobcatpeekaboo: :blobcatphoto:

A fluffy cat sitting on a patch of grass looking away from the camera into the distance.

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@rridley Looks like the IndieWeb wiki has an entry for that generator

On that page there are a couple tutorials for getting Webmentions and syndicating to work.

Here's a cleaner more general Getting Started guide that you can look at as well:

Feel free to keep in touch with any more questions. :)

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@rridley I see that you have a website already at port53.me/

How is the website built? Wordpress, Static Site Generator like Hugo, other?

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Have you checked out the Getting started page on the IndieWeb wiki?

Feel free to tag if you want any specific pieces of advice.

They also have a page to answer your other question "is it worth it"

Though for me, being able to share one of my blog links here and have responses from Mastodon show up on my website is super cool...

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@tony Best of luck on the POTA activation! We look forward to hearing updates 📻 🗼

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@mhochzwei I think the sign translates to "Seabird Feeding Area", are you only supposed to feed birds in that area?

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@darekkay The RSS style is great, thanks for sharing!

This inspired me to spruce up my RSS page as well.


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@SonoMichele Sadly yes :blobcatsad:

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@SonoMichele To get around that a lot of people disable DHCP on the router and enable it in PiHole. But then the PiHole is responsible for both the DNS and handing out IP addresses...

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@nathandyer Great post! I now feel for anyone living near a timezone boundary.

The big benefit of local time is that I get an intuition for what part of the day the other person is currently at. Is it lunch time or the middle of the night for the person I'm messaging?

Though maybe the local time intuition can be replaced with the knowledge of what UTC time "noon local" is for different parts of the world.

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@SonoMichele How do you route DNS traffic to the PiHole then? Do you only set it on a few of your devices?

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@weex I agree with your statement on creativity, people often mistake constraints for the objective.

Though I do believe constraints are necessary as well. Otherwise we can struggle from the "blank canvas" problem.

I am not fully read on the Pomodoro technique but I imagine that those timers serve as a necessary constraint to help motivate people to work on their true objectives.

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Great post from Ben Orlin on treating time as a constraint and not an optimization target.

Example from his post: Instead of what is the fastest meal I can make, consider what’s the best meal I can make in the next 40 minutes?



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@den Earlier today I wrote a Python script that is similar to what you described.

I have a file toots.json that contains all my toots and then a script refreshtoots.py that queries the JSON API and update toots.json to contain the old and new toots.

You're welcome to check it out and adapt/use it if it fits your needs. 😃


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@TheIdOfAlan I'm not certain myself, but I think it means "US Politics"

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@5uie1I'll have to take another look at Pandoc. I don't know if I can give up the control I have over spacing and layout that I have in LaTex, though maybe there's a way to convert from .tex to the HTML5 slides. 🤔

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Wrote a blog post on using `git bisect` to efficiently find where a test script fails.


I don't know how I used for so long before learning about this 😲

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@phocks You just inspired me to eat a banana. Go fruit! 🍌 🟠

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@mos_8502@tech.lgbt That's fair advice when it comes to embedding. I do wish to show it though, so I'll take your alternate suggestion to use the object tag. 😃

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Does anybody have a favorite way of embedding PDF slide decks onto a webpage?

Working on the presentations page for my website, and currently I am using the <embed> tag.

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@RL_Dane From my understanding, it creates a virtual desktop for the application to draw on. I've only used it for apps that I don't need to see the GUI for, but it likely has other uses.

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@RL_Dane Maybe not my favorite, but every so often a terminal application requires an X server to function and I want to use it within a SSH connection.

Instead of using SSH X11 Forwarding, I use X Virtual Framebuffer (xvfb)

xvfb-run ./application

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@gigantos Browsing around I found this cool open source application for creating nice looking code images

Carbon: carbon.now.sh/

This can output both as PNG and SVG, though sadly it doesn't look like Mastodon supports SVGs. As you mentioned before, the best bet is likely to have the code in the alt image.

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I haven't tried sharing code on here yet, though my immediate thought process would be to create a pastebin or gist and paste the link here.

My only concern about code in an image is if it would turned out blurry. Maybe SVGs can solve that issue.

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Thanks @anaulin for an easy to follow post on setting up Webmentions on a static website!

I followed along with great success.


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Implemented Webmentions on my blog!

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@RL_Dane Not super long, the hope is that most people won't use the complicated advance features and instead follow the same workflow...

Thankfully, I have yet to see someone explicitly call the git garbage collection command. Though I'm sure that's bound to happen :D

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@RL_Dane Funny enough, I wrote a ``best practices`` document for Git in my last job. Some things come full circle 🌏

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Does anyone still use SVN or CVS for any of their projects?

One project that I collaborate in uses and honestly I quite like the sparse directories feature (svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/sv)

Sparse checkouts in don't quite feel the same...

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@SonoMichele I <3 Bitwarden, I currently use their hosted service though I may one day host it myself. I used to run PiHole, but I ended up buying an OPNsense router and using Unbound with blocklists. I didn't feel comfortable having my DHCP server as a separated from my router. Mainly since rebooting that box essentially meant "bringing down the internet" for my home.

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@proactiveservices Great question! I have not seen that episode of Star Trek. Though funny enough, I did watch, based on a recommendation from another, an episode within the original series called "The Ultimate Computer". It's always fun to see these concepts covered in media, I'll have to check out the episode you mentioned :)

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@SonoMichele Hello there! Honestly my most used services are for document collaboration:
- Overleaf (github.com/overleaf/overleaf)
- Hedgedoc (hedgedoc.org/)

I've recently started taking advantage of file syncing again through Nextcloud. Though I usually bounce around on that front between not syncing at all and using Syncthing.

How about you? What's your favorite service?

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Hi everyone! I'm a PhD student in computer science, studying the intersection between formal logic and artificial intelligence.

I enjoy and love all things , I am a user and often tinker around with my .

I also fumble around with and enjoy vibing outdoors when the weather is nice. When I'm extra ambitious, I'll add a hike in!